VS 1045

VS 45

  • Semi determinate open type hybrid
  • Highly vigorous, profusely flowering, high yielding and oval fruits of around 90 to 100 gm
  • Tolerance to late blight and TyLCV
  • Good keeping quality and Transportability
  • Very good for kharif and rabi seasons



  • Semi determinate hybrid suitable for moderately high temperature areas
  • Fruits are oval, deep red on maturity and weighs 90-100 gm
  • Firm fruits with good keeping quality and transportability
  • Highly tolerant to TyLCV
  • Suitable for rabi and early summer

VS 63

  • High semi determinate vigorous plants with good green foliage
  • Oval / high round fruits with average weight of 110-120 gm
  • Fruits are firm, attractive red color and suitable for long distance transport
  • Hybrid is having tolerance to TyLCV and bacterial wilt
  • Once it starts yielding, it is a continues bearer